Friday, September 27, 2024 and (5)

The clause is a stylistic technique that is a dependent clause. It is similar to the because clause. It can be a BUILDING BLOCK* (inside the sentence) or an OPENER  (5).

The "asia words" are: when, while, where, as, since, if, and although.

You may be wondering why it is called a clause. It is easy for students to remember, because it is an acronym. 

The acronym sounds like a website’s name. Each letter corresponds to a subordinating conjunction: whenwhilewhereassinceif, and although

While these are not the only first words of subordinate clauses, lists some of the most commonly used ones. 


NOTE:  When the clause is added to the end of a complete sentence there are no commas needed: 

Mrs. Johnson’s brindle puppy loves to play where the meadow grass is soft. 

There are no commas needed before the clause: where the meadow grass is soft.


* IEW calls these Dress-ups

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