Saturday, September 28, 2024

CC RULE (use with FANBOYS)

Here are three ways to explain the CC RULE:

CC RULE: When a conjunction connects two independent clauses, you must use a comma before the conjunction.  An "independent clause" is part of a sentence that could be a sentence by itself. An independent clause is a complete thought with subject and predicate.

We should travel to Italy in September, and take a train to Paris in October.

CC RULE: When a conjunction joins two independent clauses, you should use a comma with it. The proper place for the comma is before the conjunction.

EXAMPLE:  Independently owned toy shops are my favorite stores, but they not easy to find these days.

CC RULE: When you have two independent clauses connected by a conjunction 
                  -----> You need a comma.

 During recess we played with our friends, but we never thought about the kids who had no friends.

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