Friday, September 9, 2022

Writers Mark - a Brief Description

Writers Mark® successfully equips students with tools to significantly improve their writing skills. Its methods not only build written and oral communication skills, but also improve critical thinking. Weekly essays are an integral part of the Writers Mark curriculum. Completed essays culminate in an end-of-the-year portfolio.

Writers Mark® teaches essential outlining, composition, and proof-reading strategies such as: keyword outlining, stylistic techniques, rhetorical devices, grammar, punctuation, and editing.

These critical writing tools are defined and practiced in order to improve students' understanding and subsequent application of these devices.

Writers Mark® Essays
  • Narrative  tells a story/conveys an experience (4 types)

  • Descriptive creates an image 

  • Expository explains, informs, describes a topic in a clear, correct fashion (analytical)

  • Compare & Contrast a type of analytical + descriptive essay 

  • Persuasive/Argumentative

  • Research  a type of informative essay

  • Literary Analysis

  • Personal Improvement resume, letters

The SAT and ACT both test knowledge of these rhetorical and literary devices.
It is never too early to become familiar with them.

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