Wednesday, October 27, 2021

SSJ DUE: 11-3-21


1) Insert a picture of the KWO you did in class in both your SSJ doc and the homework doc mailed to you. 

2) Use the KWO to write an essay about the DESERT TARANTULA in your SSJ doc. When perfected, copy and paste it into the homework doc emailed to you.

NOTE: You might want to do a bit of research to add to this information. Make sure you can weave new info into what you Key Word Outlined in class. Include the SOURCES for new info at the bottom of your essay.

3) Stylistic Requirements JV & VARSITY:      
    Indicate 1 of every DRESS UP
    Indicate @ least 3 OPENERs
    Indicate 1 DEC
    Indicate 1 M3

4) Stylistic Requirements NOVICE:
    Indicate 1 of every DRESS UP
    Indicate @ least 2 OPENERs
    Indicate 1 DEC   optional
    Indicate 1 M3     optional

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