Saturday, January 29, 2022

Introductions & Conclusions (& Titles) c


It will be connected to it in your conclusion's clincher!


--> Your first sentence should be an grab attention & hook the audience’s interest.

--> The middle of the intro gives background, general, and/or basic information about your following paragraphs. It introduces the body of your essay.  

--> The last part of your introduction is your THESIS STATEMENT.  
In a Compare Contrast essay, it asserts your opinion.
Then the thesis statement tells your audience what your three paragraph points are. 

1) It states an opinion that explains why it is useful to put these two topics together in the first place. 

2) It summarizes your 3 body paragraphs’ points.

Here is the formula:

THESIS STATEMENT (for Compare/Contrast Essay)

Here are some examples of thesis statements:
"A cat is a better pet for our family than a dog because cats require less maintenance, are more independent, and do not need to be walked."

Point /Paragraph 1: maintenance
Point /Paragraph 2: dependency
Point /Paragraph 3: do not need to be walked

"New York City and San Francisco are both great cities, but for young professionals NYC is superior because of the job opportunities, social environment, and living conditions."
Point /Paragraph 1: job opportunities
Point /Paragraph 2: social environment
Point /Paragraph 3: living conditions

"It is clear that online college courses make more sense than traditional on-site courses because there are less distractions, more flexibility and greater cost savings." 
Point /Paragraph 1: less distractions
Point /Paragraph 2: more flexibility
Point /Paragraph 3: greater cost savings
The colors are for YOUR benefit -- do not use different colors in your essay.

CONCLUSION (special clincher rule - last 2 sentences)

--> Briefly recap the three points (paragraphs). You can elaborate (slightly). Remember! No new arguments/reasons!

--> The last paragraph should also help your reader feel glad that they read your essay.


--> One of the sentences should tell the reader, "the most significant" point in your essay.

--> One of the sentences should repeatreflect, or refract the topic sentence (hook) AND @ least be part of your TITLE.   (TT/CC)

Here is an example - Thank you for requesting this, Lillian! And thank you to Derica for letting me use parts of her essay as an example.

NOTE: Thesis statement: A pet cat is a better choice for a middle schooler than a pet dog based on shedding, price, and attention needed. 

(RE-CAP -->) For the typical middle school student, a pet cat is a much better choice than a pet dog. Shedding is not as much of a problem for cat owners.  Cats are more reasonably priced than dogs, and they also require much less attention than dogs.
(ADDED INTEREST / MAKE THE READER GLAD THEY READ) -->) Even the great poet, Carl Sandburg understood how wonderful cats are. He used a cat as a metaphor in his famous poem, Fog
"The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on."
The cat represents silence and beauty in this poem; the cat required no attention.
(MOST SIGNIFICANT STATEMENT -->) The most significant thing to remember about cats versus dogs as pets is that cats require much less attention.
(CLINCHER-->)  This sentence must repeat, reflect, or refract the topic sentence (the hook). 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

SSJ Intro and Conclusion (for C/C Essay) DUE: 1-26-22

This is a paradigm for a C/C Essay in which one is preferred over the other.

Write your Introduction and Conclusion

Review your 3 body paragraphs . . . make any necessary changes. Do your work in your classroom doc. When perfected, copy and paste into homework doc attached to this email. 

Put the intro, 3 body paragraphs, and conclusion together -- paste onto the attached homework doc and submit.

The reminders about how to properly construct intros and conclusions:

Practice for Class on 1-26-22

This is a paradigm for a C/C Essay in which one is preferred over the other.

There are 3 sections of a compare contrast thesis statement. 
A) opinion . . . . B) transition to paragraph synopses*  . . . . C) paragraph synopses*
Your job is to match the 3 sections in a way that makes sense.  Create 4 thesis statements using the section samples below. Use each example only one time and do not change any words.
A  + B + C

Copy and paste this into your SSJ doc.


  • Walking and rock climbing are both excellent forms of exercise. However, it becomes clear that one of these is a much better lifetime exercise choice
  • When choosing a toy for a pre-schooler, Tinker Toys are superior to Matchbox cars
  • Pumpkin pie is a better dessert choice than chocolate cake
  • It is clear that, for me, the career choice of graphic designer is preferable to teaching
  • due to 
  • after examining
  • after researching
  • because
  • it is more nutritious, more seasonally festive, and easier to serve
  • their educational value. cost, and ease of cleaning
  • the average salary, the average weekly hours, and the opportunities for advancement
  • the risk factors, the necessary equipment, and the the appropriate locations for both.

*A synopsis is a brief or condensed statement.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

See It Through by Edgar Guest

 Recitation due February 2022 for Writers Mark classes. Exact date varies from class to class.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

SSJ Compare and Contrast Essay DUE: 1-19-22


The recitation date will be February 2, 2022

Get a head start and begin memorizing!!

2) Remember that portfolios (completed to date) will be due at the end of February.

3) Essay Homework DUE: 1-19-22

Write a "3 body paragraph" compare and contrast essay.

We will add on the introduction and conclusion later.

Always remember to utilize sensory details in your descriptions.

Do your rough draft in your SSJ Google doc. When it is finished, copy and paste it into the homework doc that was mailed to you.

Stylistic Requirements:

Indicate 1 of every DRESS UP

Indicate 1 of each OPENER (@ least 5 of the OPENERs!!)

NO banned words, contractions, or dialogue

You MUST include your name and date stamp, a correct title block, and proper formatting

You MUST include a checklist. There is a checklist template included in the homework doc that was mailed to you.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Who/Which Clause

IEW source:

Clause: A group of words that has both a subject and a verb. 

A “who or which” clause is simply a group of words that begins with who or which and has a verb in it. (The who or which is the subject of the clause.) 

When do you use “who”? – When talking about people. 

When do you use “which”? – When talking about things. 

What about animals? If they act like humans or are pets, use “who.” If they are clearly animals, use “which.” 

To indicate the who/which clause: Underline and bold only the who or which, not the whole clause. If you have more than one, indicate only one in every paragraph or as stipulated in the assignment. 

Two ways to form: 

1. Take two sentences that begin with the same subject and turn one into a “who” or “which” clause.


The yellow-bellied sapsucker is native to Canada and the northern United States. It destroys young trees by sucking sap from the branches. 

The yellow-bellied sapsucker, which is native to Canada and the northern United States, destroys young trees by sucking sap from the branches. 

John Smith knew how to trade with the Indians for food. He helped save Jamestown. 

John Smith, who knew how to trade with the Indians for food, helped save Jamestown.

2. Take a noun (person or thing) and add information to it in the form of a “who” or “which” clause. 


The lion was most grateful for the appearance of the little mouse. 

The lion, who felt he would never be able to disentangle himself from the hunter’s net, was most grateful for the appearance of the little mouse. 

John Smith made a clever rule. 

John Smith, who helped to save Jamestown, made a clever rule. 

CRUCIAL: Don’t let your “who” or “which” try to be a sentence by itself! 

The disheveled princess stood dripping. 

The disheveled princess, who stood dripping. (What’s wrong with this?) 

A who/which clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. 

The “who/which” clause is one of several kinds of dependent clauses. This one is an adjective clause because the entire clause describes a noun and therefore follows a noun. 

Grammar Rule #10: 

The who/which clause is usually set off by commas. If you take it out of the sentence, you should still have a sentence left. To check: If you remove the who or which clause, do you still have a sentence that can stand alone and make sense? 

The disheveled young woman, who stood at the door with water dripping down her back and into her shoes, claimed Princess Authenticity. 

If we remove the underlined “who” clause, we still have a complete sentence: The disheveled young woman claimed Princess Authenticity. 

Practice: Add a who or which clause to the following sentences, either by adding more information or by combining sentences. Then write one of your own. 

1. The frog prince spied the Princess’s golden ball. He questioned why she was weeping and wailing. 

2. The Princess shed copious tears over the loss of her golden ball. 

3. Ali winked at the passersby. They recognized he was up to his old tricks with the Sultan. 

4. The Sultan gloried in Ali’s impromptu poem. 

Your turn. In the space below, write 5 sentences with a “who” clause AND 5 sentences with a “which” clause.

Saturday, January 1, 2022


Checklist Template Click Here

Here is a picture of the checklist example. Click the link above to go to a checklist template that you can copy.

Resume Example


Steve Paul 12 years old

The Woodlands,Texas


Northwoods Catholic School                                                

Trace Creek Academy                                                         


Tuesday Tamales  Matthew 25:34             11 years old  - to present  

   Proprietor - marketing, customer service                      

Gaudete  Luke 1:43-45                                10 -to present     

   Rosary Artisan

ReUsables  Mark 2:21                             9 -10 years old       

   Hand crafted, Earth-friendly gift bags   

Animal Crackers  Genesis 1:26              8 -to present      

   Pet-sitter, Dog walker                            

Soccer Regional Team 8 -to present  

• Basketball Regional Team 9 -to present    

Tap & Gymnastics 5 -7 years old


• Northwoods Catholic School Poetry Contest     

Finalist & Honorable Mention                                 

• Great Day in Bethlehem                                                        

• Godspell                                                                                        

• Acorns to Oaks                                                                             

• Sermon on the Mound                                                                 


• Catholic Institute for Apologetics (founder)

• Knights of Columbus Columbian Squire  (trail blazer & initiator @ St. Anthony of Padua)            

• Saint Anthony of Padua Catholic Church Altar Server          

• Immaculate Heart of Mary Student Teacher              

• Kindermusik - Bringing Babies & Senior Citizens Together  

• Starbound National Competition - Assistant to Judges and Backstage Runner                  

• Saint Anthony of Padua Catholic Church Parishioner           


Hobbies include traveling, biking, football, basketball, climbing, reading


Youngest sibling, Uncle, and Master to three dogs.